A Silly
Slinky Story

When I was a kid
I had a neighbour named Mark
We were the same age
And we would play together
One Christmas
We exchanged gifts
Except I didn't have a gift to give
How rude of me!
Mark hands me a wrapped box
I start to open it
And it's a slinky!
One of the coolest toys ever
Ever to be made
Mark awaits to see what I say
Being the little b**** I was
I showed absolutely zero interest
I did say thanks
And then bounced
We lived next to one another
So it wasn't a far trek
When I got home
I put away the slinky
I kind of forgot about it
But every now and then
I would hear kids talk about
Slinky this, slinky that
It was a hot toy in the 90s
One day I decided
To see what a slinky can do
To my amazement
Quite a bit!
You can watch
It go down a flight of stairs
Make it go back and forth
In your hands
The one that I was gifted
Was a metal one
So everytime it moved
It would also make
A satisfying sound
After spending hours
Day in
And day out
I started to see the appeal
I started to appreciate
I was thankful
To have this simple
Toy that brought me joy
In the simplest ways
I don't keep in touch
With Mark
And he probably doesn't even know
I think about his gift
To this day
Thank you Mark!
For the gift!

A quick and short story written by Peter Ha. Based on true events of a brat child.
Made in part at HTML (Day) in the Park in Toronto, July 13 2024.